In Loving Memory
Ama Adhe Tapontsang
1932 – 2020

The Monastery Cook
“In Tibet, we knew how to pray, but we never really understood the deeper meanings. From His Holiness, I learned the essence of Buddhism is compassion, kindness to others, and having a loving heart.”

The Monastery Cook
At great risk, Tenpa and his family fled Tibet in order to provide their children a Tibetan education. As a stateless refugee, he found work as the head cook of Namgyal Monastery, in Dharamsala, India, which is also the home of the 14th Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government in exile. Periodically, the Dalai Lama will give a series of public teachings, where Tenpa and his staff must prepared breakfast and lunch for over 5,000 people in attendance.
The Counter Revolutionary
“I had so much hatred, I was unable to see them as human. The Dalai Lama encouraged me to write about my experiences, and if I chose not to blame the Chinese, and I didn’t write in anger, my words would have value to others.”

The Counter Revolutionary
Ama Adhe is a cherished role model among the Tibetan diaspora. Ama is Tibetan for "mother." Prior to her life in exile, she witnessed the initial invasion of Eastern Tibet by the People's Liberation Army of China, then spent 27 years as a political prisoner, surviving frequent incidences of rape, torture and starvation. During her imprisonment, she was denied all contact with her two children. At the age of 85 she walks to the local temple daily, believing her life was spared for the purpose of telling her story on behalf of the millions who died.
The Athlete
“The most important thing for me now is to stay focused on my studies, participating in sports, and staying healthy.”

The Athlete
In recent years, Tibetan schools across India launched an official girl’s athletics program for the first time. Thirty team captains were selected by their respective schools to learn and practice soccer during their winter break, while also participating in leadership training courses. When divided into two groups for scrimmages, the girls named their teams the Himalayan Princesses and Snowland United.
The Thangka Painter
“I believe in non-violence – and to preserve oneself is to preserve one’s heritage. Non-violence requires that you have a lot of patience, a lot of forgiveness, and a strong base of truth.”

The Thangka Painter
Karma Sichoe is a traditionally trained thangka painter and contemporary artist. Orphaned as a child, Karma’s path to self-discovery has been to both honor the discipline and mindfulness of the thangka tradition, while separately exploring modern art as a means of expressing his political views and personal inner life. Finding his own peace has required him to explore and adapt to the values and limitations of both the traditional and modernity.
The Lhamo Master
“Chinese authorities permit a few Lhamo institution, but none are allowed to perform the original forms. When Tibetans gain their freedom, the new roots of Tibetan opera will come from our teachings here in India.”

The Lhamo Master
In October of 2013, the finest Tibetan opera performers living in exile in India gathered at the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts to tape a performace of “Prince Norsang,” one of the most important stories within the canon of Tibetan opera, known in Tibetan as Lhamo. Kundeling Thupten is considered the only living master still practicing Lhamo in its original form.
The Caregivers
“I’m not just thinking of my generation – of course, I would like to see my homeland, but there is this generation and the next generation. One’s spirits have to remain high. For the refugee this is a big thing.”

The Caregivers
In the year 2000, the Department of Health of the Tibetan government in exile established the Ngoenga School for Tibetan Children with Special Needs. At no cost to their families, the boarding school currently cares for and educates fifty children with a diverse range of disabilities. Ngoenga is Tibetan for “great joy.”
The Counselor
“There are some people who really want to bring more positivity into their lives. When they are about to fall into a pit, my job is to pick them up.”

The Counselor
In order to meet the needs of former political prisoners and other Tibetans who have experienced catastrophic trauma, the Central Tibetan Administration in India established the Torture Survivors Program. Pema is one member of a small staff of counselors who continue to search for their own peace, while reaching out to those with special mental health needs around them. Pema is Tibetan for “lotus flower.”
Carey Russell
Director, cinematographer
Internationally recognized photographer and filmmaker, Carey was the assistant producer and editor of The New World, directed by Terrence Malick and assisted cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki on Malick's, The Tree of Life, in addition to providing additional photography for The Voyage of Time. He is the author of a photography monograph, The New Arcadians, and is a Master Naturalist and licensed outdoor guide in New York state. careyrussell.com
Gaea Logan
Executive Producer
Ms. Logan has been active in the dialogue between Buddhist psychology, contemplative practice and analytic psychotherapy since 1974 and has presented nationally and internationally on the topic of healing trauma, group psychotherapy, compassion and mindful awareness. She is an internationally certified group psychotherapist, the founder of ICMHHR, and a licensed professional counselor in private practice in Boulder, Colorado.
Tsering Choedup
For over fifteen years, Choedup has coordinated community-based and international, human rights campaigns on behalf of Tibetans in Tibet and those living in exile with the goal of reaching a non-violent resolution to the Tibet-China conflict. He served as the Asia Regional Coordinator for the International Tibet Network, were he led strategic planning, lobbying, internet security, training, social networking and public relations.
Associate Producers
Tenzin Kalden - Nyima Lhamo - Betty Holmes - Brooke Jordan - Ginny Jordan
Amberjade Mwedali-Tsering - Hanly Banks - Dusty Byrd - Chelsea DeKruyff - Edie Wall Muehlberger
Community Partners
Department of Health, Central Tibetan Administration - Tibetan Women's Association - Tibetan Political Prisoners' Movement
Students for Free Tibet - Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts - Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy
Sound & Camera Assistants
Tenzin Kalden - Tenzin Lekmon - Palden Choedon - Jampa Woser - Tsering Dharpo - Tenzin Tsering - Dhundup Somam
Tenzin Kalden - Tsering Dharpo - Tenzin Lekmon - Shiwapa Pasang - Kelsang Kyab
Kate Austin-Groen
Michael Rigby
Denise Montana
Soll Sussman
Mark Homan
Nurk from Urk
Fran Moss
Karl Bayer
Phyllis Haber
Marie Y. Case
Sue Maxwell
Steven Eilers, M.D.
Steven Van Wagoner
Anna Laurent
Steve Hasenberg
Martha Crouch
Jennifer Vu
Esther Marquis
Kelly Ireland
Lakshmy Parameswaran
Paul Kaye
Steve Amos
Darin Moran
Marilen Rose
N. Caskey
Alan Waisanen
William Peverill
Dakus Geeslin
Erika Payan Zanetti
Peggy Ghorbani
Pat O'Bryan
Paul Ginter
Rebecca Hall
Amy Gottlieb
Mark Bily
Shannon Lambremont
Bellina M. Logan
Carol Kean
Jason Orr
Scott Cronenweth
Leah Marino
Grace Jessen
Greg Omelchuck
Vella Fink
Joel Smith
Eva & Shiloh Schone
Julie Gottman
Lance Rosenfield
Jennifer Ferrell
Cindy & Bob Wong
Richard Masino
Katherine Staat
Lynne Niemann
Betsy Blaydes
Joseph Acosta
Mercedes Coats
Heather Courtney
Geoff Thant
Max Fathom
Corinne & Liza
Jessica Spanton
Eric Denner
Liliana Honorato
Michael Braudy
Andy Cope
Tiffany Smetak
Peg Runnels
Kathy Schlottach
Michelle Schreiber
Betty Gross
Barbara Hulburt
JJ Colburn
Benjamin Z. Norens
Garth Neil
Birgit Schroeder
Luann Jacobs
Ernest & Deborah Yates
Ross Garber
Mark Wright
Jake Stewart
Patricia Tollison
Steve Smaha
Cynthia Netting
Elise Ballard
Jon Boatwright
Hans-Martin Liebing
Julie Zipper
Mimi Boyington
Skipper Chong Warson
Emily Goodwin
Lauren Ross
Bill J. McCarley
Donna Parks
Tung Huynh
Augustine Baron
Robert Kalayjian
Ronn J. King
Linda Newsom
Jedd Goble
Beth Rainey
Bonnie Kawchuk
Vagdevi Meunier
Frederick Marx
MIchael Yates
Cheryl LaPaso
Alina Campana
Diana Conley
John Williamson
Marla Quintana
David Walker
Claire Williams
Rachel Flanagan Casting
Beth Schindler
Eric Damon Walters
Susan Grant
Lara Annese
Ethan Shaw
“Tibetan Stories is a quiet revelation and a joy to experience that comes at a critical time in our history. These films have the effect of giving Tibetans in exile the feeling of being clearly seen and heard by the West for the first time.” – Dhardon Sharling
“...an exquisite work of art that finally shines a light on the stories of ordinary Tibetans – living, laughing and struggling amid extraordinary circumstances. Profoundly impactful, this unforgettable series of films is ultimately a celebration of compassion and non-violence.” – Tendor, writer and former executive director of Students for Free Tibet
“An awe-inspiring series and a powerful and authentic tribute to the Tibetan community, or any other confronting human rights violations.” – Adam Engle, co-founder, Mind and Life Institute
“A gripping documentary series. These riveting stories must be seen to appreciate the resiliency of the Tibetan people.” – Dwight Bashir, former U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom